Skin Cancer Is Rampant! 3 Ways You Can Keep You And Your Family Safe From This Deadly Disease

Posted on: 26 June 2015

Cases of non-melanoma skin cancer have increased by more than 300 percent over the past 20 years or so. Made up of the most common types of skin cancer, such as basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, non-melanoma skin cancers are rarely life threatening. However, their more ominous counterpart, melanoma cancer, is also on the rise. It's estimated that this deadly form of cancer has increased by more than 250 percent, and it is especially prevalent among women and young people.
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Taking Care Of Your Patients: How Your Medical Clinic Can Benefit From Drug Testing Labs

Posted on: 15 June 2015

Some physicians are able to provide care to their patients without the help of a drug lab. However, doctors may find that partnering with a drug testing tab may actually help them provide better treatment to their patients. Here are three ways partnering with a drug lab may be able to help you and your clinic: Initial Screening of a Patient's Background When you receive a new patient, especially one that is complaining of chronic pain, how do you deal with him or her?
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What You Can Expect From Your Arthroscopic Knee Surgery

Posted on: 27 February 2015

You have a knee injury and your orthopedic doctor has recommended arthroscopy to correct the problem. This is a safe and effective alternative to major knee surgery and is often done as an outpatient. It still has some risks, as does any kind of surgery, but fewer than traditional surgical approaches. Here is what you can expect before, during, and after your arthroscopic knee surgery. Days Before the Surgery All of the blood tests and X-rays that your doctor needs will be done several days before the surgery.
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Four Situations That Increase Your Risk Of Developing Pregnancy Depression

Posted on: 27 February 2015

The classical symptoms of pregnancy depression include weight gain, fatigue, changes in appetite, and anxiety. Unfortunately, these are the same things that pregnant women may feel even if they are not depressed. Therefore, it is helpful to know your likelihood of getting depressed if you are pregnant. You are likely to develop pregnancy depression if you: Are In a Difficult Relationship If you are in a difficult relationship, then it means you are stressed.
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