
  • Common Orthopaedic Surgery Questions Answered

    Healthy joints are essential for allowing you to enjoy your full range of movement, but there are many conditions that your joints can develop. From sports injuries to a gradual accumulation of scar tissue from repetitive actions, when your joints develop these problems, you may find that it is almost impossible for you to sustain the quality of life you have historically enjoyed. Luckily, orthopaedic surgery can be an effective way of correcting these issues, but many patients will want a couple of questions answered before deciding on undergoing these procedures.
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  • 3 Excellent Things A Lactation Consultant Can Help You With

    Having a baby in and of itself is completely life changing, and some of the aspects that come along with being a new mom can be overwhelming if you try to handle them all on your own. One aspect of being a new mom is learning how to nurse your newborn baby, and this is definitely a learning experience. One way to make learning how to nurse your baby easier is to work with a lactation consultant.
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  • Hospice Care Is Free for Most Patients: 3 Surprisings Reasons Why Terminally Ill Patients Are Turning down Free Care

    Medicare covers 100 percent of most of the costs associated with hospice care for a period of up to six months. Unfortunately, the service is extremely underused. And most people who do take advantage of hospice care only receive care for the last few weeks of their life when hospice care could do so much more for them. In fact, hospice covers many medical services that help terminally-ill patients live more fulfilling lives, such as speech therapy, physical therapy, dietary counseling and more.
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  • Immunotherapy And AIDS/HIV: How Some Types Of Therapy Can Extend Your Life

    The diagnosis of HIV/AIDS used to be a terrifying one. It meant fear, slow to rapid death, and medical staff who were afraid to touch you because they did not want to contract the disease. Research has overcome many of these issues, including the treatment of HIV/AIDS with immunotherapy techniques and medicines. Now, you can live longer than most doctors originally predicted, and with proper precautions, you can still engage in friendships and emotional connections with others.
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  • How A Physical Therapist Helps Treat Urinary Incontinence

    Physical therapists don't just treat symptoms such as back pain or knee pain. With the field of physical therapy branching out into new specialty areas, doctors also are referring patients to physical therapists for urinary incontinence treatment. Common causes of urinary incontinence include aging, pregnancy, childbirth, enlargement of the prostate gland, and certain neurological disorders that send the wrong nerve signals to the bladder. Although treatments vary depending on the cause, doctors generally recommend pelvic floor exercises, electrical muscle stimulation, and/or biofeedback -- medical interventions that physical therapists provide -- as the first line of treatment.
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  • Helping Your Loved One Settle Into An Assisted Living Facility

    Moving into an assisted living facility can be a huge change for anyone. Most people who enter assisted living are elderly, disabled, or both. It can be especially difficult for someone to transition into a new lifestyle when they have already spent many decades in the old one. Assisted living facilities are there to give your loved one the physical and emotional help they need as they age. While this does require relocation, it doesn't mean that the new environment has to be an alien one.
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  • Three Questions To Answer Before Going For Hip Replacement Surgery

    If your hip joint is painful, stiff, and cannot accommodate your normal movements such as climbing stairs, then you may be a good candidate for hip replacement surgery. It involves removing your affected joint and replacing it with an artificial one (usually metal and plastic). Here are three things to do before going for the surgery: Consider All the Alternatives Hip replacement isn't the only option for dealing with pain in this joint.
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  • How To Spot Autism Symptoms In Your Infant And/Or Young Child And How To Treat Them

    Determining whether or not your infant or child has autism can be a difficult task. However, there are certain behaviors that you can look for to indicate that they may suffer from this disorder. While these are just symptoms, and not actually a diagnosis, they are still helpful to get you on the right track for a diagnosis. This article will talk about how you can spot certain symptoms of autism spectrum disorders, and how you can proceed with treatment if your child is diagnosed with autism.
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