Lifestyle and Home Remedies for Psoriatic Joint Pain

Posted on: 17 September 2020

People typically think of psoriasis as a skin disorder, and indeed, its most obvious symptoms are those that involve the skin. But if you are someone with psoriasis, you know the symptoms don't always end there. Joint pain, in particular, is common among patients with psoriasis. Taking any prescription medications recommended by your doctor will certainly help keep these symptoms under control. However, you will also want to explore some home remedies and lifestyle changes for additional relief.

Soak in Epsom Salts

Soaking your joints in Epsom salts is always a good way to alleviate joint pain, regardless of its cause. The magnesium in Epsom salts helps relax muscles, which can take the strain off of your joints. Just run a bath with warm water, stir in about a cup of Epsom salts (there's no need to measure), and soak for as long as you wish. Twenty minutes should do the trick.

Avoid Alcohol

Alcohol is known to make psoriasis symptoms worse. It can increase inflammation throughout the body, contributing to joint pain. Cutting alcohol out of your routine is best. Some patients can get away with drinking on rare occasions at social events, but you should still limit your intake.

Get More Exercise

Exercising may be the last thing you feel like doing when your joints are pounding, but actually, staying active can help keep pain levels down in the long-term. Exercise keeps your joints loose, and it also helps ensure any inflammation drains away from your joints, which can reduce your pain levels. Steer clear of high-impact exercise like jogging, and instead do some low-impact exercise, like swimming or riding on the elliptical.

Lose Weight 

This only applies if you are overweight. If you are, losing a few pounds will reduce the strain on your joints and help ease your psoriatic joint pain. Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables — which many people do in an attempt to lose weight — is also good for your joints. The antioxidants these foods contain can help protect your joints and also reduce the immune over-activity that plays a role in psoriasis.

If you're dealing with joint pain due to psoriasis, you are not alone. Make sure you discuss this symptom with your doctor so you can get proper joint pain treatment, and also work on implementing the remedies above. They're all safe and healthy practices anyways, so you really have nothing to lose.
